Audio Program – Cell Phones in the Classroom: Distraction or Undervalued Teaching Tool?


Another great audio program brought to us by Teachers Aid. If you click on the title below you will need to then click on the audio button beside #55. There are many other great topics to listen to as well.

55 Cell Phones in the Classroom: Distraction or Undervalued Teaching Tool?

ReleasedOct 23, 2012

While some educators see cell phones and digital devices as distractions and sources of attention deficit, others say these are wonderful, undervalued teaching tools. Do we need to suppress the use of cell phones in classrooms or bring today’s teachers up to speed on how to teach with this new tool? Greg Graham is the author of, “Cell Phones in the Classroom? No, Students Need to Pay Attention.” Liz Kolb is a clinical assistant professor at The University of Michigan and authored “Cell Phones in the Classroom: A Practical Guide for the K-12 Educator.” Lisa Nielsen,award-winning blogger and author of “Teaching Generation Text,” is a long time public school educator.

Audio Program-Student Plagiarism in the Digital Age: Easier to Do, Easier to Catch, Still a Challenge


Teachers Aid is a Online Radio program accessible on iTunes

Some really great topics are available on a number of educational issues.

20) Student Plagiarism in the Digital Age: Easier to Do, Easier to Catch, Still a Challenge

The digital age has made plagiarizing the works of others much easier. But new digital tools have also made it easier to detect submissions that have been “appropriated.” Our guests discuss the problem, these new tools and best practices to dissuade students from plagiarizing other’s work. @TeacherJenCarey @web20classroom Jennifer Carey is Director of Educational Technology at the Ransom Everglades School in Miami, Florida and has more than 12 years of educational technology experience. Laura Hennessey DeSena is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Humanities at NYU and the author of Preventing Plagiarism: Tips and Techniques. Steve Anderson is an educator, #Edchat Co-Creator, ASCD Emerging Leader and one the Top 50 Innovators in Education.

George Couros Video On Change


About a month ago we had our administrator retreat in Grand Erie and one of the speakers who had a big impact on us was George Couros. This Tedtalks is was taken about a month previous to our session. Their are many topics and themes that are similar. Thought I would just take us all back to the two days of PD.

Local School X-mas Traditions: Integrating Technology And Pop Culture



Yesterday was the last day of classes because today is a PD day (Unpaid for Teachers in Ontario).  On the last days of classes before Christmas it is not uncommon for schools to celebrate in a variety of ways.  Christmas concerts, special Breakfast, fundraisers for people in need and last day Assemblies.

Yesterday as Superintendent I was invited for Senior’s Breakfast and North Park in the morning.  At this event tradition that has been going on for more years than anyone can remember the teachers and graduating students dress in PJ, and other festive red and green garb and from 8 am to 9 am enjoy breakfast together.  The teachers served the students French toast, omelettes, bacon, sausage, fruit and juice.  What a great way to create a family atmosphere in the school.  Of course all the while this was going on there was a healthy serving of technology in the form of mixed yuletide tunes.

My second invite was to Pauline Johnson CVS just down the road for the Christmas Assembly in the afternoon.  Again another tradition that packed the school cafetorium with students interested in watching skits from senior classmen, gifted classes, drama classes, as well as media arts projects comprising of videos that rivalled anything you would see on MTV.  It is truly amazing how these students mix clips from cultural media with clips from school class and teachers.  Highlighting many aspects of the art including bluescreen technology.  Something that is really enjoyable was the use of the webservice jibjab.  If you have not seen this or used it check it out. Nothing is funnier than uploading a few pictures to one of the canned templates on jibjab and then watching the faces as they them comically dance around the screen to Christmas songs..